Active Members
Frederik Anseel
Bart de Jong
Maureen Dollard
Deshani Ganegoda
Zhou (Joe) Jiang
Nerina Jimmieson
Anya Johnson
Peter J Jordan
Helena Nguyen
Ruchi Sinha
Serena Wee
Professor of Management, UQ Business School, UQ
Research interests: Emotions in the workplace, leadership, culture, ethical behaviour
Paul W Atkins
Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Positive Psychology and Education, ACU
Research interests: Mindfulness, identity, teamwork
Adam Barsky
Academic, Management and Marketing, UniMelb
Research interests: Business ethics, decision making, human resources, organisational agility, personality and emotions, research methodology, risk, social issues in management
Prashant Bordia
Professor, College of Business and Economics, ANU
Research interests: Work and ageing, including post-retirement engagement with work, role identity processes in transition to retirement and work stress over the lifespan
George Chen
Professor & Deputy Director (HDR), Research School of Management, ANU
Research interests: Organisational behaviour in cross-cultural contexts, leadership, proactive behaviour (including voice), job insecurity, organisational commitment, Chinese management
Professor, College of Business, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.
Research interests: Proactive Behavior; Job Design; Leadership Behavior; Multilevel Research
Catherine Collins
AGSM Scholar, Business School, UNSW
Research interests: Teamwork, Team Development and Change, Employee Proactivity, Work Design, Organisational Ambidexterity
John L Cordery
Provost, Curtin University
Research interests: Maximising the effectiveness of groups and teams in organisations
Associate Professor, Peter Faber Business School, Australian Catholic University
Research interests: trust, teams, social hierarchy, virtuality, cultural diversity, leadership, start-up teams, multilevel issues, meta-analysis.
Patrick Dunlop
Associate Professor, Faculty of Business and Law, Curtin University
Research interests: Personnel recruitment and selection, psychometric assessments in high-stakes settings, framing recruitment messages, predicting attitudes and behaviour
Joanne (Jo) Earl
Associate Professor, Psychology, Macquarie University
Research interests: Career planning and development across the lifespan, retirement planning and adjustment, cognitive decline and financial literacy
Chris Earley
Dean, Business School, UTS
Research interests: Organisational psychology, behavioural relations, cross-cultural aspects of organisations, global teams, cultural intelligence
Will Felps
Associate Professor, Associate Head of the School of Management, UNSW
Research interests: Leadership and motivation, team effectiveness, employee turnover, career management, measuring expertise, business ethics, the management of science and mapping knowledge in scientific fields
Cyn D Fisher
Honorary Adjunct, Professor of Management, Bond Business School, Bond University
Research interests: Organisational behaviour, human resource management, training and development, research methods
Director Centre for Workplace Excellence/Professor of HRM.
Research Interests: Compensation; Motivation; Pay communication; Valuation of human capital; Alumni relationships; Influence tactics and methods; Business ethics.
Marylene Gagne
Professor at Future of Work Institute, Curtin University
Research interests: Work motivation, self-determination theory, individual performance and well-being, volunteering
Associate Professor of Management, Melbourne Business School, UniMelb
Research interests: Behavioural Ethics, Organisational Justice, Workplace Deviance, Negotiation And Conflict Management, Positive Empathy.
Professor, Management and Organisations, UWA
Research interests: Communication, interaction and effectiveness in teams, virtual teams, multicultural collaboration and identity, impact of culture on work behaviour, intercultural competency, international management, innovation, cross-cultural and technology-enabled communication, executive leadership, motivating employees
Nicole Gillespie
Professor Nicole Gillespie, KPMG Chair in Organizational Trust, Management Discipline, UQ Business School.
Research Interests: Trust Development and Repair, Stakeholder Trust, Leadership, Organizational Change, Virtual Work and Artificial Intelligence
Barbara Griffin
Professor, Department of Psychology, Macquarie University
Research interests: Older workers, incivility, risk culture, medical student selection
Mark Griffin
Professor , Future of Work Institute, Curtin University
Research interests: Organisational safety, leadership, work performance, research methods, safety
Markus Groth
Professor, School of Management, UNSW
Research interests: Service management, customer-employee interactions, emotions at work, organisational citizenship behaviour
Charmine E J Härtel
Distinguished Professor and Advisor to Head of Department of Management, Monash University
Research interests: Entrepreneurship and Family Business; Innovation Skills, Paradox Mindsets, and Design Thinking; Digital Coaching and Immersive Learning Technologies; Inclusive Work Design, Disabilities, Neurodiversity, Trauma, and Mental Health
Alex Haslam
Professor of Psychology and ARC Laureate Fellow, UQ
Research interests: Leadership, group processes, stress, creativity, tyranny, space
Beryl Hesketh
Emeritus Professor, Office of the Vice-Chancellor and President, UWS
Research interests: Integrating theory and practice and applying fundamental psychological principles to a range of practical problems with a primary focus on decision-making
Peter A Heslin
Professor, School of Management, UNSW
Research interests: Enabling growth mindsets, resilience, and cultivating employee engagement
Giles Hirst
Inaugural Chair of Leadership, Research School of Management, ANU
Research interests: Creativity, innovation and social and organisational networks
Chris J Jackson
Professor of Business Psychology, School of Management, UNSW
Research interests: Laterality, neuropsychology, learning, motivation
Karen Jansen
Associate Professor, ANU College of Business and Economics, ANU
Research interests: Organisational behaviour, human resources management, organizational change and development, person-environment fit, time and process
Karen (Etty) A Jehn
Professor of Management, Melbourne Business School, UniMelb
Research interests: Conflict management, organisational behaviour, group processes and team effectiveness, research methodology, workplace diversity
Nerina L Jimmieson
Professor, QUT Business School, Management, QUT
Research interests: Occupational stress and employee health, organisational change management designed to improve workplace effectiveness
Senior Lecturer, Work and Organisational Studies, University of Sydney Business School
Research Interests: Emotions at work, Work design, Teams and team development, mental health and well-being, Performance
Peter J Jordan
Professor, Griffith Business School, Griffith
Research interests: Performance in work teams, role of emotions in organisations, emotional intelligence, leadership in work teams, toxic emotions at work
Boris Kabanoff
Professor, QUT Business School, QUT
Research interests: Quantitative analysis of qualitative data, organisational values culture and strategy, organisational justice
Carol T Kulik
Research Professor in Human Resource Management, Business School, UniSA
Research interests: Effective management of workforce diversity, closing the gender gap in salary negotiations, reducing stereotype threat among mature-age workers, and motivating organisations to invest in diversity management
Kevin B Lowe
Professor Kevin Lowe, Leadership, The University of Sydney Business School
Research Interests: Leadership
Aleksandra Luksyte
Senior Lecturer, Management and Organisations, UWA Business School, UWA
Research interests: Overqualification/underemployment domain, effects of race, gender, age, and immigrant status on decision-making and employee performance and well-being
Amirali Minbashian
Associate Professor, School of Management, UNSW Sydney
Research interests: Performance, personality, affect, motivation, emotional intelligence
David Morrison
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation, Murdoch University
Research interests:
Andrew Neal
Professor, School of Psychology, UQ
Research interests: Work performance, safety and effectiveness, managing competing demands in complex, dynamic environments
Helena Nguyen
Senior Lecturer, Business School, University of Sydney
Research interests: Emotions at work, employee wellbeing, performance and human error
Tyler G Okimoto
Professor in Management & Deputy Head of School, UQ Business School, UQ
Research interests: Conferral of status and legitimacy to women in leadership, conflict management/justice restoration, ethical decision-making in leadership, inter- and intra-group dynamics/organisational identification
Mara Olekalns
Professor of Management (Negotiations), Melbourne Business School, UniMelb
Research interests: Negotiation, interpersonal communication, interpersonal trust, negotiators' ethics, impression formation, gender stereotypes
Cheri Ostroff
Director and Research Professor, Centre for Workplace Excellence, UniSA
Research interests: Organisational culture and climate, human resource management systems, diversity, socialization, fit between people and the organisation teams, the social context and relationship to unit performance
Jennifer Overbeck
Associate Professor of Management, Melbourne Business School, UniMelb
Research interests: Power, status and hierarchy, influence without authority, power over the career lifecycle, diversity, implicit bias, stereotyping and prejudice, ethics, psychology, negotiations, general management, organisational behaviour, organisational change
Sharon K Parker
ARC Laureate Fellow,
Director, Centre for Transformative Work Design
Professor of Organizational Behaviour, Curtin University
Research interests: Self-efficacy, creativity and innovation, psychological assessment, job performance, job and work design, employee proactivity, work motivation, team performance, attitude change, organizational psychology, health psychology.
Stacey L Parker
Senior Lecturer; School of Psychology, UQ
Research interests: Occupational health psychology; energy management; work recovery; work motivation; hidden costs of extrinsic rewards.
Kim Peters
Senior Lecturer in Organizational Psychology, UQ School of Psychology, UQ
Research interests: Communicating novel, emotional and social information, social comparisons in the workplace for motivation and performance, identity factors in communication, employee engagement, motivation and stress
Allanah Rafferty
Associate Professor, Griffith University
Research interests: Organisational change attitudes (e.g., change readiness), organisational change implementation, stress and coping during organisational change, transformational leadership, abusive supervision, organisational behaviour
Simon Lloyd D Restubog (CURRENTLY OVERSEAS)
Professor of Management and Organisational Behaviour, Research School of Management, ANU
Research interests: psychological contracts in employment relationships, antecedents, underlying psychological mechanisms, and consequences of destructive leadership, support and barriers in predicting career persistence and adaptability in both educational and work contexts
Ramon Rico
Associate Professor. Business School. UWA.
Research interests: Shared cognition; Team and leadership adaptation; Team diversity; Task design characteristics; Multiteam systems; Team process and effectiveness.
Nik Steffens
Lecturer in Organisational Psychology, School of Psychology, UQ.
Australian Research Council DECRA Fellow
Research Interests: Leadership, Followership, Health and Well-Being, Motivation, Creativity, Self and Identity in Organisations.
Phyllis Tharenou
Vice President and Executive Dean, College of Business, Government and Law, Flinders University
Research interests: International careers, expatriates, skilled migrants, gender and careers
Herman Tse
Associate Professor, Monash Business School, Monash
Research interests: Leadership and organisational effectiveness, leader-member exchange relationships, transformational leadership, multilevel leadership frameworks, organisational behaviour and leadership
Mark Wiggins
Professor, School of Psychology, Macquarie
Research interests: Organisational psychology, human factors, skill acquisition, training, diagnosis
Robert (Bob) E Wood
Distinguished Professor and Director, Futures Academy, UTS
Director, Centre for Ethical Leadership, The University of Melbourne
Research interests: Leadership, problem solving, learning and motivation
Gillian Yeo
Associate Professor, Management and Organisations, UWA
Research interests: Self-regulation, work recovery, energy management, work motivation, work goals, team leadership, play at work
Mike J Zyphur
Associate Professor, Faculty of Business & Economics, University of Melbourne
Research interests: Statistical modeling in the social sciences, income, wealth, and health/well-being inequality in organisations and nations